Might be stealing “extended humiliation ritual” for the title of my memoir

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Yes!!! Every part of this was relatable, down to the bitchy notes app musings & gamified self-branding (& deleting hinge this summer, of course)

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Keep writing. Keep finding and making connections and you'll find your way through it all. I kissed a looooot of frogs (and even a couple o' toads wearing devilishly good makeup) until I found my prince, not long after I turned forty. Twenty years on and we still can't believe our good fortune in finding each other. PLUS a life full of all those good connections I never stopped making during the frog-kissing years. Who knows - the testicle tanner and you might not be a match made in heaven, but you got a good story by discovering him, and he might even have a story to trade with you!

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Great piece!! Regarding the whole dating online conundrum we are in-

Love your point about buying this dream that we can almost order people on-demand for a shot at romance. the apps are horrid. Not making things easier.

Def agree the whole thing is a hassle too.

I spent so much time trashing and thinking about online dating and then kinda found my person? Yeah. I found my person. Through hinge. Yikes. I’ll be the first to say yikes to that.

I’m a couple years older (early 30s) and I’m coming from a guys perspective- but I think the best advice I got about the apps was from an ex that they are simply a “first date generator” and nothing more.

I think using all avenues (in-person meet ups, join a club, still go on hinge) is the best bet. The problem with just doing irl stuff and no app is everyone is on the phone. You’re bringing a knife to a gun fight, so to speak.

Anyway, loved the piece! Good luck finding your person.

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thank you! I think that is the way it goes — it’s so terrible until it’s not! which is exciting in its own way. I do think the mixed irl/app based approach is ideal when your head’s in the right place for it. but I also love to complain!

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Pinegrove can always find their way onto a playlist, and will always influence your dating habits.

Almost as much as an Os Perkins + Eraserhead binge will rebirth you into a stranger you keep borrowing money from, but can't seem to hike with.

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this: "You become painfully aware of the egocentrism of major cities and the creative-class freaks who populate them, yourself included. The men tend to be self-absorbed, unemployed, or both; the women tend to be anxious with underdeveloped conflict resolution skills and pathological independence issues. Yourself included." !!!!!!!

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Thanks for sharing your first hand "research" on dating apps lol I think it absolutely affects self esteem as it is a metric for your attractiveness. I found myself lacking confidence because I'm not 6,1 white college educated male but irl I didn't think about those things in normal interactions. I think social media affects our expectations as well but that's for another time. Thanks for this lovely piece!

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I've definitely been here, and yes the apps suck, but when my mindset shifted and I switched to actually looking for long-term, dating intentionally with helpful advice from some detatchment-dating influencers like Sabrina Zohar (with my own twist of course), I started actually having an okay time. So far I've been enjoying myself, even if I do turn down people early on and vice-versa. However, my life is already full of other things like volunteering and hobbies, and I do run at run club but will NOT date anyone there haha. It's always good to take a break and recenter yourself, but it's not all hopeless once you define what you really want out of dating. Good luck!

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oh totally agree! I feel like my brain needs to detox a bit but am excited to reengage when it’s time

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this letter SPOKE TO ME. I wish I could buy you a beer. Additionally, your writing is so exquisite that I trust your recommendations and will be checking out some of these books/podcasts/albums!! Merci and happy August

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Lorie thank you! lmk what you think of anything you check out — fwiw I do think the trifecta of Mating, I Love Dick and On Women HEAVILY affected my dating disillusionment so proceed w caution there lol

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But you really should join a running club and make new friends in person.

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